Bente & Allan Sørensen - Eriksdalsvej 20 - DK4871 Horbelev - Tlf.: 54 44 54 99 - Fax: 54 44 54 95



Moon Song's Dream Blue Fantazie's best showresults:

SPK-show, Silkeborg  (10/10 2009):  Open Class,  Excellent,  3. best open class bitch
DKK-show, Brøndby (19/9 2009):  Intermediate Class, Very Good, 2. best intermediate bitch
DKK-show, Brøndby (19/9 2009):  Intermediate Class, Very Good, Best intermediate bitch
VDH-show, Leipzig (13/9 2009): Open Class, Good
VDH-show, Leipzig (12/9 2009): Open Class, Very Good 2, Best bitch in open class
SPK-show in Fuglebjerg  (23/8 2009): Open Class, Very Good
SPK-show in Fuglebjerg  (22/8 2009): Open Class, Very Good
DKK-show in Hillerød (16/8 2009): Open Cllass, Excellent, The class 2. best female, The breeds 3. best female
VDH-show in Bremen (2/8 2009): Open Class, Excellent, The class 2. best female, Reservecertificate (VDH)
VDH-show in Bremen (1/8 2009): Open class, Excellent, The class best bitch, Certificate (VDH) Reservecertificate (DCNH) 2 Best bitch in breed, Reserve Cacib
VDH-udstilling i Newmünster (7/6 2009): Mellemklasse Excellent 1 winner, The breeds best bitch, certifikate (VDH), certifikate (DCNH) and CACIB.
SPK-udstilling i Nyborg (24/5 2009): Juniorclass Very good The breeds best Juniorbitch
SPK-Show in Nyborg  (23/5 2009): Juniorclass Excellent  The breeds best Juniorbitch, The 3. Best bitch in breed
VDH-Show in Oldenburg (22/5 2009): Juniorclass  Excellent   The breeds best Juniorbitch, Juniorcertifikat  Fantazie is the first danish malamut who became German Juniorchampion
VDH-show in Dortmund (1/5 2009): Juniorclass  Excellent   The breeds 3. best Juniorbitch
VDH-show in Berlin (28/3 2009): Juniorclass  Excellent   The breeds best Juniorbitch, Juniorcertifikat  Juniorclubcertifikat  Best bitch in breed, Juniorsieger Berlin 2009
SPK-show in Hårlev (7/3-2009): JuniorClass Very Good 1  The breeds best Juniorbitch
The best Baby in the year (alaskan malamute) in Spidshundeklubben 2008
SPK-show in Nyborg  (6/12 2008): JuniorClass Very Good 1  The breeds best Juniorbitch
DKK-Show in Herning (8/11 2008): JuniorClass, Excellent
VDH-show in Rostock (12/10 2008): Junior Class Best juniorbitch in breed, juniorcertificate
SPK-show in Bredsten (27/9 2008): Puppy Class  Best female-puppy in breed (Frodo (her brother) Best puppy in breed)
DKK-show in Ballerup (20/9 2008): Puppy Class  Best puppy in breed
SPK-show in Fuglebjerg (30/8 2008): Puppy Class  Best puppy in breed
District 10' Show in Vordingborg (21/6-2008): Baby Class: 3. Best Baby in Breed (after her brother's Fargo & Frodo)
SPK-Show in Svendborg (1/6-2008): Baby Class Best baby in Breed, 2. Best Baby in Show
SPK-Show in Svendborg (31/5-2008): Baby Class Best baby in Breed, 3. Best Baby in Show
District 10' Show in Fensmark (12/5-2008): Baby Class: Best baby in Breed, 3. Best Baby in Show
District 1's Show in Dyrehavebakken (1/5-2008): Best baby in Breed, BOB, 3. Best Baby in Show, 3. best in group 5
SPK-Show in Voldum (12/4-2008): Baby Class: SL  3. Best Baby in Show (Pictures from the day HERE)



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