Bente & Allan Sørensen - Eriksdalsvej 20 - DK4871 Horbelev - Tlf.: 54 44 54 99 - Fax: 54 44 54 95



Pictures of Moon Song's Darkred Della  (Dixy)



Pictures of Dixy

Dixy, the "Waterdog"

Photo: Langhoff Foto  (Click on the photo to enlarge them)

Dixy is now "dogmodel" in, see more pictures taken of Swanmodels HERE

Dixy was select to the 4. most sweet dog in Denmark. (The pictures is lend of "Vi Med Hund")

The sailerdog

Here is Dixy with her brother Dixy and her sister Dina
Who said an Alaskan can't be a lap dog ;o)

(Photo: Langhoff Foto)

Udstillings Billeder

Ribe 7/4-2007 (Photo: Nick Holt)

Mie Bay Nielsen used Dixy to Juniorhandling in Årslev 9/12-2006 (Photo: Nick Holt)

 Årslev 9/12-2006 (photo: Nick Holt)
Is hard to be a Champion

These pictures is lend of "District 6"

Winner of Group 5



Show in District 6 (25/11-2006)

Mie Bay Nielsen use Dixy to Juniorhandling in Knapstrup 28/10-2006 (Photo: Georg Carlsen)

Herning 4/11-2006 (photo: Nick Holt)

Bredsten 23/9-2006 (photo: Nick Holt)





© Moon Song's & Langhoff