Bente & Allan Sørensen - Eriksdalsvej 20 - DK4871 Horbelev - Tlf.: 54 44 54 99 - Fax: 54 44 54 95



Danish Dicer of Nunivak Island best showresults:

* SPK-Show in Voldum (12/4-2008): Open Class: Excellent 1. winner Certifcate. Danish Champion (Pictures from the day HERE)
* District 10 Show in Næstved (21/3-2008): Open class. Excellent  2. winner
* Best Junior (alaskan malamute) in Spidshundeklubben 2007. It's first time in Spidshundeklubben a Juniordog is been Best Junior (alaskan malamute) in Spidshundeklubben in 2 years after the other 
* SPK-Show in Skanderborg (25/8-2007): Open Class 1. price  1. winner: 4. best male with Certificate
* SPK-Show in Bredsten (23/6-2007):Open Class 1. price  1. winner: 3. best male with Certificate
* DKK-Show in Ballerup (16/6-2007): Intermediate Class, 1. winner, 3. best male
* SPK-Show in Fuglebjerg (27/5-2007): Junior-Class: 3  best male, 1. winner in Junior-Class, The Shows best Junior-Dog
* District 1's "Bakke-Show" (17/5-2007): Intermediate Class: Beest on Breed (BOB), 2. Best in Group, BIG2
* District 10's Easter-Show, Horbelev (5/4-2007):Junior-Class, Best in Breed (BOB), The Shows best Junior-Dog, Best in Show (BIS-1)
* SPK-Show in Hårlev (3/3-2007) Junior-Class: 4 best male, Certificat, BIS-Junior.
* District 10's SpringShow (24/2-2007): 4. Best dog in Show
* The resultat for 2006: 

Best baby (alaskan malamute) in Spidshundeklubben 2006

Best Puppy (alaskan malamute) in Spidshundeklubben 2006

Best Junior (alaskan malamute) in Spidshundeklubben 2006

* SPK-Show in Årslev (9/12-2006): Junior-Class, 3. Best male in breed, CK,  2. Best Junior in Show
Dicer got certifikates on the shows in Bredsten 2006, Knabstrup 2006, Herning 2006.

To get the title "Champion" the dog may have at leats 3 certifikates, and the last after the dog is 2 years. Dicer 2 years birthday is the 10. 12. 2007, so their goes a while before he can get the title "Danish Champion".
* District 10's SpringShow (24/2-2007): 4. Best dog in Show
* DKK-Show in Herning (4/11-2006): Junior-Class, 4. Best male in Breed, Certificate
* SPK-Show in Knabstruphallen (28/10-2006): Junior-Class, 2. Best male in breed, Certificat,  2. Best Junior in Show
* Rostock  (8/10 2006): VDH sieger Rostock 2006 & VDH Jugend-sieger Rostock 2006
* SPK-Show in Bredsten (23/9-2006): Junior-Class, 2. Best male in breed, Certificat,  2. Best Junior in Show
* DKK-Show in Ballerup (16/9-2206): Junior-Class, 1. winner, SL
* SPK-Show in Basballe (19/8-2006):  4. Best Puppy in Show
* DKK Internationale Show in Brøndby (30/7-2006): Best Alaskan Malamute Puppy
* DKK Internationale Show in Brøndby (29/7-2006):  Best Alaskan Malamute Puppy
* DKK Internationale Show in Brøndby (28/7-2006):  2. Best Alaskan Malamute Puppy
* DKK Internationale Show in Brøndby (27/7-2006): 3. Best Puppy in Show
* SPK-Show in Fuglebjerg (25/6-2006): Best Puppy in Show
* DKK District 2's Whitsun-Show in Køge (5/6-2006): Best Baby/Puppy in Show
* DKK District 1's Show on Dyrehavebakken (25/5-2006): Best baby in Show
* SPK-Show in Ringe (20/5-2006): Best baby in Show
* SPK-Show in Stouby (15/4-2006): 2. Best baby in show
* DKK kreds 10's show with 165 dogs in Horbelev (13/4-2006): Best baby in Show, 2. best dog in Show (BIS-2)



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